Israeli PM Adviser, Dore Gold, speaks with Al Jazeera’s “UpFront”
In an interview with Al Jazeera English’sUpFront, Dore Gold, a key ally and close adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked if he supports Israel’s controversial new law, the Nation State Law, which states that self-determination is unique to the Jewish people.
“I think that the law is there to make clear that Israel is the national homeland of the Jewish people,” Gold told UpFronthost Mehdi Hasan. “That’s why it was set-up”.
When asked if that definitively meant that Israeli Palestinians, who make up 20 percent of the population, have no right to self-determination, Gold responded with the following analogy, “Yeah, I would say, I would deny the rights of Canadians to have self-determination inside the United States”.
“We have to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and there will be a Palestinian national entity where their national self-expression can be fully expressed”, Dore Gold, who was former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, added. “But we have to negotiate that”.
This interview launches UpFront’s brand new season of original programming. The all-new weekly episodes debut this Friday 14th September and run weekly at 19:30GMT.
Note to Editors
· This interview with Dore Gold airs Friday 14th September at 19:30GMT
· The show will be available through this link: www.aljazeera.com/upfront - Please add to online copy and credit Al Jazeera English and UpFront.
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