Al Jazeera takes disciplinary action and suspends two of its journalists over violation of its editorial guidelines
Al Jazeera stated today, that it has taken disciplinary action and suspended two of its journalists over video content produced on the Holocaust. The video content and accompanying posts were swiftly deleted by AJ+ senior management from all AJ+ pages and accounts on social media, as it contravened the Network’s editorial standards.
Dr. Yaser Bishr, Executive Director of Digital Division, stated that Al Jazeera completely disowns the offensive content in question and reiterated that Al Jazeera would not tolerate such material on any of the Network’s platforms. In an email to staff he also called for the mandatory bias training and awareness program.
Dima Khatib, Managing Director of AJ+ Channels, said that the video was produced without the due oversight. She added that workflows are being reviewed to make sure all production goes through the proper editorial channels at all times, and called on all AJ+ editors and journalists to comply with the Network’s editorial values and Code of Ethics
Al Jazeera continues to adhere to the journalistic values of honesty, courage, fairness, balance, independence, credibility and diversity, giving no priority to commercial or political over professional consideration. In addition, the Network recognizes the diversity in societies with all races, cultures, beliefs and their values and intrinsic individualities.
Since its inception, Al Jazeera Media Network never shied away from acknowledging any mistakes on its editorial content and to rectify them to avoid recurrence of such errors.