Al Jazeera Digital launches 'Now You Know': Vodcast amplifying women's voices globally
"Now You Know" is a new English-language show by Al Jazeera Digital Division, dedicated to amplifying the voices and stories of women, hosted by Samantha Johnson.
“Now You Know” is conversation-driven and aims to share women’s experiences worldwide and inspire others to embark on their own aspirations.
Johnson talks to women who keep the ladder down so that the girls who follow in their footsteps can climb up. The topics will centre around women in film, finance, sports, health, and more.
"To say I'm excited about 'Now You Know' is an understatement. This project has been in the works for over a year, and finally, it's here,” says Johnson.
"I've had the privilege of meeting many amazing women throughout my career and there was always one thing in common: we all have a story. Women have a natural desire to share and connect with other women. And that's what 'Now You Know' is about. A safe space where we have the freedom to talk about anything and everything that affects women,” she added.
“Al Jazeera Digital approaches current events through a spectrum of shows, from economic, geopolitical, to analytical. ‘Now You Know’ is another platform that serves the Division’s expanding and diverse female audience," says Jo de Frias, Executive Producer of the show. "It's informative, personal, and compliments our growing digital content,” she added.
“Now You Know” is the first of three video podcasts Al Jazeera Podcasts has in the works for the end of 2024. The show will be published weekly on Al Jazeera English’s YouTube channel in the Podcasts tab, all major podcast platforms, and at Al Jazeera's Podcasts website.