Al Jazeera journalist Mahmoud Hussein imprisoned for 100 days
Today marks the 100th day, since Al Jazeera Media Network’s Mahmoud Hussein, was arrested and detained by the Egyptian authorities, while on personal leave in Egypt.
AJMN continues to condemn Mahmoud’s arrest, specifically his coerced confessions, which were aired as part of the Egyptian authority’s smear campaign against Mahmoud and AJMN. Additionally, AJMN denounces the passing of 100 days on Mahmoud’s detention without a formal charge, and calls for his immediate release. Furthermore, we encourage international human rights organizations, organizations calling for freedom of press and freedom of speech, journalists and activists to unite their efforts in calling for the release of our colleague Mahmoud by using the hashtag #FreeMahmoudHussein on social media.
Throughout his detention, Mahmoud Hussein has been accused of incitement against the state, creating chaos, broadcasting false information to the detriment of the state and being a member of an illegal organization. Recently, the potential charges faced by Mahmoud have been to reflect the potential charge of receiving funding from abroad with the intent of harming the state’s interests. AJMN strongly rejects and condemns all accusations levelled against Mahmoud.
In our stands in solidarity with Mahmoud, we have previously called and continue to call for you to join us in pressuring the Egyptian government and its representatives around the world for the immediate release and return of Mahmoud to his family and loved ones.
We at Al Jazeera Media Network, are fully committed to our professional mission and our code of ethics. Moreover, we endeavour to continue to cover the news, whilst upholding the highest standards of impartiality and professionalism. By the same token, we stand firmly by all our colleagues and the right to free press. We believe that the protection of journalists is to be held in the highest regard. No journalist should be subject to intimidation, persecution, or imprisonment whilst carrying out their duty, as “Journalism is not a crime".