Al Jazeera denounces extending Mahmoud Hussein’s detention for 45 days
Al Jazeera Media Network denounces the Egyptian court’s order issued on Sunday, February 5th, to extend Mahmoud Hussein’s detention for 45 days. The network demands unconditional release of Hussein. Hussein was stopped and questioned by the Egyptian authorities on December 20, 2016, after arriving at Cairo’s international airport. After he was released from the airport, he was degradingly arrested by the State Security forces from his home on December 23. His detention was renewed four times so far; the latest was issued last Sunday for 45 days. The Egyptian authorities accuses Hussein of fabricated allegations of “disseminating false news and receiving monetary funds from foreign authorities in order to defame the state’s reputation.”
Hussein is now suffering, in a solitary confinement, inhumane conditions that do not rise to the lowest level of rights guaranteed by law for on remand detainees, which is in violation of the right to fairness of procedures.
Al Jazeera Media Network rejects all the baseless allegations against Hussein, and condemns the unfair detention, in addition to obtaining false confessions by force. Furthermore, the network holds the Egyptian authorities responsible for Hussein’s safety and wellbeing.
Al Jazeera Media Network denounces the smear campaign against Hussein by the Egyptian authority through its local media outlets even before any official allegations being made. The network states that all these practices violate the international laws, traditions and practices of protecting journalism and freedom of expression.
Al Jazeera calls on all the Human Rights and Media Organizations to denounce Hussein’s detention and continue to put pressure on the Egyptian authorities, and its delegations around the world, to put an end to his suffering by releasing him.
The network reaffirms its stand in supporting its journalists and employees, and its commitment to its mission and code of ethics. It is committed to deliver the full and intact truth and to broadcast a professional and objective news coverage from Egypt and the world. Additionally, the network condemns arresting and harassing journalists for simply doing their professional work. The network calls for taking all needed measures for issuing an international declaration that would protect journalists and their rights, and states that the free press and freedom of expression are fundamentals to democracy; “Journalism is not a crime”.