Al Jazeera Launches the 2nd Phase of its Campaign for Supporting Press Freedom
With a series of videos in various languages, Al Jazeera seeks to shed light on the critical importance of press freedom around the world
(Doha, Qatar) – Al Jazeera Media Network is launching the second phase of its international Demand Press Freedom campaign to support a free press and denounce the harassment of journalists and media professionals across the world.
Phase Two of the campaign is being launched a year after the demand to silence and shut down Al Jazeera by the blockading countries, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, following the GCC crisis in 2017.
The Demand Press Freedom campaign (#DemandPressFreedom) incorporates video segments in different languages that shed light on the direct and visceral impact of a free press on people’s lives, and as a basic human right that is essential for the development and progress of societies.
The campaign will also go on to include events and international forums to highlight the conditions of journalists arrested in different countries, the assaults on media organizations, and the attempts to silence the press.
Acting Director General, Dr. Mostefa Souag, said: “Al Jazeera may be the one media organization which has suffered the most and has been targeted for its professional reporting. Our journalists have been threatened, imprisoned, tortured, and killed, our offices have been bombed, our signals have been blocked, our websites hacked, and our social media accounts taken down. We continue to support press freedom and highlight the sufferings of journalists and media professionals around the world.”
“Al Jazeera renews its calls for the safety and protection of journalists worldwide and calls on governments to adhere to international covenants, treaties and legal obligations.”
The first phase of the demand press freedom campaign saw exceptional engagements on social media platforms, as well as the support and engagement by celebrities, public figures, writers and presenters denouncing the targeting of Al Jazeera and the call for its shut down. In addition, Al Jazeera organized various International seminars and events to discuss and highlight the challenges faced by journalists and media professionals.
The Demand Press Freedom campaign 2017 was awarded a gold medal in the New York Festivals, received a Certificate of Recognition from AME Committee Awards; and was shortlisted for One Show awards. Despite the calls for its shut down, Al Jazeera’s achievements continued to see Al Jazeera English Channel awarded “Broadcaster of the Year” in the 2018 New York Festivals, and receiving a Peabody award for its documentary ‘The Cut’.
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