Al Jazeera launches its new corporate website
Al Jazeera Media Network is launching a new website that provides authentic information, data and achievements of the network.
The website is available in both English and Arabic. It contains the network’s mission, vision, values, code of ethics, the code of conduct, history, and the challenges and the major events it had been through over the past two decades, in addition to the network’s news and events.
The website has a section about the most outstanding achievements of the network and the awards collected by its various channels and divisions; it also provides information about its international partnerships.
The website also contains a brief description about the network’s channels, divisions and its organizational structure, as well as an introductory downloadable file about the network’s channels and digital platforms. The vacant positions in the network and the contact persons for those jobs are also available on the website.
Our colleagues can visit the corporate website, (from within the headquarters campus for now) and can send their feedback; then the website will be officially launched in few months.
The website address: