MOU Between AJMTC And Anadolu Academy
Al Jazeera Media Training and Development Center has signed, on Wednesday May 25, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with News Academy, an institution affiliate to Anadolu News Agency.
Dr. Yaser Bisher, Executive Director of Network Strategy & Development signed the MOU and expressed his excitement for the outset of collaboration with such significant media organization like Anadolu News Agency. He showed optimism based on this MOU and that it will lead to many positive and progressive activities which are required to help progressing and continuously develop the professional skills of the industry’s cadres for that is the pivot of any successful organization.
Umit Sonmez, Anadolu News Academy Coordinator, commended the role of AJTC and said the agreement aims to exchange experiences and best practices; especially that AJTC has accumulated a profound and solid experience in the field of training and coaching over the years.
Anadolu News Agency established the News Academy within its futuristic vision and aims to build and qualify new talents and youth to be professional journalist through training, courses, and coaching them.